This site uses only and exclusively cookies necessary for navigation purposes and no other type of cookie or other system of profiling, registration, data processing or user profiling. This information is therefore provided for the sole purpose of completeness and protection of users.
Extended information on the use of cookies in accordance with the measure of the Guarantor of Privacy No. 229/2014, for those who interact with the web services of this site. This website uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure the proper functioning of procedures and improve the user experience of online applications. This document provides detailed information on the use of cookies and similar technologies, how they are used and how to manage them.


Cookies are small text strings that sites visited by the user send to the user’s terminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored and then transmitted back to the same sites on the next visit by the same user. Cookies are stored, based on the user’s preferences, by the individual browser on the specific device being used (computer, tablet, smartphone).
Types of cookies Based on their characteristics and use, cookies can be distinguished into different categories:
Strictly necessary cookies These are cookies that are essential for managing login and access to restricted functions of the site, typically for updating pages by web editors. The duration of these cookies is strictly limited to the work session (closed the browser they are deleted). Disabling them compromises the use of services accessible from the login. The public part of the sites, however, remains normally usable.

Technical (analytics and performance) cookies

Sono cookie utilizzati per raccogliere e analizzare il traffico e l’utilizzo del sito in modo anonimo. Questi cookie, pur senza identificare l’utente, consentono per esempio, di rilevare se il medesimo utente torna a collegarsi in momenti diversi. Permettono inoltre di monitorare il sistema e migliorarne le prestazioni e l’usabilità. In alcune pagine di questo sito possono memorizzare le preferenze dell’utente relativamente alla dimensione del font e alla modalità di visualizzazione preferita (grafica, alto contrasto o testuale) ai fini dell’accessibilità dei contenuti. La disattivazione di tali cookie può essere eseguita senza alcuna perdita di funzionalità.

Profiling cookies

These are persistent cookies used to identify (anonymously and non-anonymously) your preferences and improve your browsing experience.

Duration of cookies

Some cookies (session cookies) remain active only until the browser is closed or the logout command is executed. Other cookies “survive” when the browser is closed and are available on subsequent visits by the user. These cookies are called persistent and their duration is set by the server when they are created.

Cookie Management

L’utente può decidere se accettare o meno i cookie utilizzando le impostazioni del proprio browser. La disabilitazione totale o parziale dei cookie potrebbe compromette l’utilizzo delle funzionalità del sito, ma non impedirne la navigazione. L’impostazione può essere definita in modo specifico per i diversi siti e applicazioni web. Di seguito le risorse web che illustrano come procedere per ciascuno dei principali browser: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari.